Regroup, Reset, Recenter
For the past couple of weeks, I have been needing to be in a peaceful place. Not to be emo or anything but I need to get back to myself. I have been devoting a lot of my time doing photography because it makes me the happiest at the moment. On top of everything that I have to do, I am making time to spend time with the people who mean the most to me.
Some, if not most, online interaction these days are business transactions.
Someone is making money out of your attention. Think about that.
I have been doing social media since Friendster and blogging since Xanga and because of that, even when I'm by myself in my room, I'm never actually by myself. I have always expressed myself whether it's with words or images or through music and 100% of the time, at least one person will respond to any of them. So, stepped away for a couple of days and was posting sparingly just to reset my mind.
Let's be honest, no one actually cares.
We're all just trying to find connections and when something is relatable, we make it known that it is.
That's really it.
I'm expressing a lot of these things not to turn you off from social media or because I think y'all need to know my situation. I mostly talk about these things to somehow teach some kind of lesson. All I'm saying is.......Please don't get caught up.
Save your psyche and figure out what is is that you need to do for yourself and try not to look at everyone else's accomplishments. Also, find your reasons for your goals and keep reminding yourself of this reason every time you're feeling discouraged.